Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Decided on the COL 105 Project

As today, I have decided on a COL 105 Capstone Project.  It is one that Eva sent out...I read and read and read over this and really feel like it will be challenging but worth the effort.  I just hope it works!!

There are 4 components:
1. WHO AM I? - cover page showing self awareness etc...
2. LEARNING STYLES - college essay - 700 words minimum...
   - Choose an artifact
   - Reflective essay and address the following: why did you choose the artifact relating to your learning style?, what is your learning style?, how do you (or can you) adapt your learning style to mesh with different instructor teaching styles?, and what study skills help you best relating to your learning style
3. EDUCATIONAL PLAN - 550 words minimum
- copy of schedule for next semester
- copy of a resume (added this)
- A reflective essay in which you address the following questions
   1. what are your short term goals and how do you plan to achieve them
   2. What are your mid range goals and how do you plan to achieve them
   3. What are your long term goals and how do you plan to achieve them
   4. What kind of obstacles might potenially come between you and your goals?  How do/will you deal with obstacles to achieving your goals?
4. WORKING RELATIONSHIPS/CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT - 700 Words - All artifacts must be included and complete
   1. Copies of at least 2 campus engagement activity attendance forms, completed and signed
   2. Reflection essay on each activity
   3. Copies of at least 2 community engagement activities, completed and signed (added)
   4. Reflection essay on each activity

I will be tweeking a lot of this but this is the "shell" I have so far.  What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I really like this Catherine. If I were a student I would think, "that's a lot of work" but it really isn't that difficult when you break it into pieces. A great opportunity to teach them how to cut that big project into parts and avoid procrastination (because those event/activities won't be available the night before the project is due).

    Can't wait to see how this turns out!

    Is this taking the place of service learning or in addition to?

    Beth Z


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